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جدیدترین اخبار و آپدیت های Infinity-Box Nokia BEST در این تاپیک


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ابدیت جدید



Infinity Nokia [bEST] v2.28 - MTK, NXP and Lumia mixed update


- Lumia Flash Engine updated

Boot repair procedure improved for some models


- Boot repair procedure cover more phones (LumiaRepairPack v6/v7/v8)

RM-1099 Lumia 430 Dual SIM

RM-1140 Lumia 540 Dual SIM

RM-1141 Lumia 540 Dual SIM

RM-1063 Lumia 640 XL LTE

RM-1064 Lumia 640 XL LTE

RM-1065 Lumia 640 XL Dual SIM

RM-1150 Lumia 650

RM-1152 Lumia 650

RM-1153 Lumia 650

RM-1154 Lumia 650 Dual SIM


Note: LumiaRepairPack_v1.08 must be installed - Lumia Repair Pack v1.08 - New models included


- MTK Flash Engine upated

Fixed Nokia 105 support ( broken in 2.27 )

Other improvements and fixes


WARNING : latest Nokia phones NOT allow downgrade SW version anymore!!!

If you got "Contact Service" after flashing - then it mean you donwgrade phone!

Check SW version in phone, before flash it!


- NXP flash engine updated

Enabled HW revision check in DEAD mode flashing for Nokia X, Nokia XL

Feature prevent cross-flashing from v2 to v1 and vice versa.

You not need play in "guess which HW?" game anymore, when you get dead device without sticker.

Other improvements and fixes in flashing process for NXP and NXP2 devices.


- NaviManager updated

Changes in download engine

By default NaviManager alway will try query latest available FW version


- Other

Improved DataExtraction from MTK phones with semi-broken FS

Some bugfixes and improvements at all


Index of pub/software/



Upload file to Support


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  • 4 ماه بعد...

Infinity-Box BEST NK2 v1.01 - Nokia 8 Full Support


ATTENTION: To use this software you should copy licence file license_xxxxxxxx.dat from /BEST/ folder to /BEST2/ folder


Nokia 8 Line :

NB1 4GiB (TA-1004) WW

NB1 4GiB (TA-1012) WW

NB1 6GiB (TA-1004) WW

NB1 6GiB (TA-1012) WW

B1C 4GiB (TA-1052) HK


Nokia 8 Line features supported:


Identify ( Device Info / Version / Revision / SKU / Branding )

Format FS / Reset Settings

Reset FRP ( Google Reset Protection )



Backup Device Security ( Include OTA details, Unique Device Details, QCN calibrations )

Restore Device Security

Repair Device Security

Repair Connectivity Items ( BT/WiFi )

Repair PSN

Repair Unknown BaseBand ( Security-Safe )



Write Firmware ( Infinity Format )

Read Firmware ( Infinity Format )

- Firmware, made by BEST NOT DAMAGE any device security!

- Firmware, made by BEST NOT DAMAGE any OTA compatibility!

- A-B OTA/UPDATE architecture supported!



Memory Tool ( Customization/Recovery/PartialFlashing )


Generic :

Identify in [FTM] mode supported ( NK 3-5-6-8 )

Unlock BootLoader ( NOKIA 8 LINE ONLY ) : Allow boot device to Service Mode

Restore BootLoader ( NOKIA 8 LINE ONLY ) : Allow restore device to normal mode


Changes :

FRP unlock improved

Repair Security revised

Firmware Reding improved

Firmware Flashing revised


Supported devices list :

D1E (TA-1024) WW (Nokia 5)

D1L (TA-1027) WW (Nokia 5)

D1L (TA-1044) WW (Nokia 5)

D1A (TA-1053) WW (Nokia 5)

D1C (TA-1000) CN (Nokia 6)

D1C (TA-1003) CN (Nokia 6)

D1C (TA-1021) WW (Nokia 6)

D1C (TA-1025) WW (Nokia 6)

D1C (TA-1033) WW (Nokia 6)

D1C (TA-1039) WW (Nokia 6)

NB1 4GiB (TA-1004) WW (Nokia 8)

NB1 4GiB (TA-1012) WW (Nokia 8)

NB1 6GiB (TA-1004) WW (Nokia 8)

NB1 6GiB (TA-1012) WW (Nokia 8)

B1C 4GiB (TA-1052) HK (Nokia 8)


Info :

- Use Nokia Care Emergency drivers ( same as for Lumia/NXP )

- Use Unlock/Restore BootLoader for Nokia 8 devices!

- Security Repair feature also allow repair IMEI. Device IMEI manipulation is STRICTLY PROHIBITED BY LAW !

Use Security Repair feature only if you local laws allow to do that and ONLY FOR ORIGINAL DEVICE IMEI REPAIR purposes !

Security Repair feature is DISABLED by default !

Index of pub/software/


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  • 4 ماه بعد...

Infinity-Box BEST NK2 v1.03

ATTENTION: To use this software you should copy licence file license_xxxxxxxx.dat from /BEST/ folder to /BEST2/ folder

- Nokia 8 line changes 
New restore database for latest firmwares ( up to 439x version )
Revised flashing core 
Activated ability to mirror FW version to both partition and select one of them to boot 
During Identify now shown A/B SW version info 
Other repair features, specified for NK8 Line only, activated

- Other
Fixed flashing issues for devices with different FlashIC sizes
Flashing core revised
More info shown during identify ( EDL/FB )
Change FW naming during reading to SW version info ( factory-like format )
Encryption state during identify revert back, since some models have NON-encrypted FileSystem
Repair Security updated

- Use Nokia Care Emergency drivers ( same as for Lumia/NXP )
- Latest available firmwares with OLD sec upload to support ( Nokia 2, Nokia 8, Nokia 5 )
- Nokia Android 8 (Oreo) changes : 
> From January/February security patches EDL cables NOT work anymore on Nokia 5 and Nokia 6 !
> Security workaround, used before For Nokia 2 and Nokia 8 NOT work with new BootLoader versions!
> When new workaround will be finished, there is left for now just TP ( with device disassembly ) or rare OTA bugs to force EDL/Downgrade 



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