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ارسال های توصیه شده

FLASH Meizu M2 mini

> Disconnect Mobile...
   Re-Put the Mobile Bettery...
   Then Connect your Phone to Computer again....
   Please Make sure Mobile better has Power...
>>> Searching Mobile Port...
   Get Mobile Port is:  COM71
>>> Device driver identification: 
   MediaTek USB Port
>>> Mobile Has Connect...
   CPU_NAME: MT6735
>>> Reading Mobile Hardware Info...Success
   HW_Inf:  8A00    SW_Inf:  CA00
>>> Initialization Mobile ...
>>> Sending Auth File To Mobile...Success
>>>>Trying Connect to Service verification data...
>>> Downloading Boot1 To Mobile Phone...Success
   The Flash Hardware Info:JHAG2e
>>> Downloading Boot2 To Mobile Phone...
>>> Initializationing Mobile Hardware Parameter...Success
   =====================Flash Type(eMMC)==============
   Flash   Size: 0x00000003AB800000 -> 15032M
   Flash     ID: 0x90014A4841473265
   Flash   Name: Hynix_Unknow
   Flash symbol: JHAG2e
>>> Software Auto Switch Hight Speed Has Enable...
>>> Swich Mobile to Hight Speed Re\Wr Port...
   Get Mobile Port is:  COM72
>>> Device driver identification: 
   MediaTek DA USB VCOM (Android)
>>> Reading Mobile Map Data...Success
   Writeing Mobile Initialization 1...Success
   ÕýÔÚдÈë¿éУÑé   lk.... ³É¹¦!!!
   ÕýÔÚдÈë¿éУÑé   boot.... ³É¹¦!!!
   ÕýÔÚдÈë¿éУÑé   recovery.... ³É¹¦!!!
   ÕýÔÚдÈë¿éУÑé   logo.... ³É¹¦!!!
   ÕýÔÚдÈë¿éУÑé   secro.... ³É¹¦!!!
   ÕýÔÚдÈë¿éУÑé   tee1.... ³É¹¦!!!
   ÕýÔÚдÈë¿éУÑé   tee2.... ³É¹¦!!!
   ÕýÔÚдÈë¿éУÑé   custom.... ³É¹¦!!!
   ÕýÔÚдÈë¿éУÑé   system.... ³É¹¦!!!
   ÕýÔÚдÈë¿éУÑé   cache.... ³É¹¦!!!
   ÕýÔÚдÈë¿éУÑé   userdata.... ³É¹¦!!!
   Writeing Block  6  lk....Success
   Writeing Block  8  boot....Success
   Writeing Block  9  recovery....Success
   Writeing Block  10  logo....Success
   Writeing Block  14  secro....Success
   Writeing Block  16  tee1....Success
   Writeing Block  17  tee2....Success
   Writeing Block  18  custom....Success
   Writeing Block  22  system....Success
   Writeing Block  23  cache....Success
   Writeing Block  24  userdata....Success
   Corresponding operation completed!!!     After Finish;Disconnect usb cable,keep hold the power key 10s more,mobile will reboot!!!

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