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فلش/آنلاک و تعمیر موفقیت آمیز با باکس Octopus


ارسال های توصیه شده

گوشی lg A290


مشکل : خاموشی که اب رایت فول بکاپ زنده شد و همچنین حل مشکل سریال


- گوشی در حالت خاموش و با باتری وصل می شود ...









Welcome to Octoplus/Octopus Box LG Software version 1.8.6
Checking data...OK
Platform: LG MTK
Selected port: COM8
Selected baudrate: 921600
Selected model: A290
Selected COM connection type
Please, disconnect battery and connect cable...Canceled!
Checking data...OK
Platform: LG MTK
Selected port: COM8
Selected baudrate: 921600
Selected model: A290
Selected USB connection type
Please, disconnect battery and connect cable...OK
Phone found.
Setting power state...OK
Prepairing loader...OK
Sending loader...OK
Synchronizing with loader...OK
Detecting NOR flash chip...OK
Detecting NAND flash chip...OK
Reading info...OK
[color=#ff0000]IMEI A: Bad
IMEI C: Bad[/color]
Bluetooth address: Unknown
NOR flash chip: Intel
NOR size: 64 Mb
[color=#ff0000]Opening "LGA290AT-00-V10e-AME-NOV-07-2012+0.oct"...OK[/color]
Writing Firmware...OK
Platform: LG MTK
Selected port: COM8
Selected baudrate: 921600
Selected model: A290
Selected USB connection type
Please, disconnect battery and connect cable...Canceled!

رفاقت کشکه و دوغ

لینک ارسال
  • 2 ماه بعد...
  • 3 ماه بعد...

Deactivating Kill Switch LG G3 - D850




Platform: LG Qualcomm
Selected port: COM59
Selected model: D850
Reading info...Canceled!
Performed by 2.2.0 software version.
Checking data...OK
Platform: LG Qualcomm
Selected port: COM59
Selected model: D850
To deactivate Kill Switch do the next:
1. Attach testpoint as shown on Figure in manual, and connect phone with Micro USB cable.
2. Check PC Device Manager, a new device should appear "Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008".
3. Release testpoint.OK
Sending loader...OK
Connecting to server ...OK
Initializing device...OK
Deactivating Kill Switch...OK
Please, reconnect the battery, put the phone in download mode manually and re-flash the phone.
Performed by 2.2.0 software version.
Connecting to server support.octoplusbox.com:82...OK


رفاقت کشکه و دوغ

لینک ارسال
  • 10 ماه بعد...

1- گوشی روشن کنید.

2- Usb Debugging رو فعال کنید.

3- کد زیر رو وارد کنید تا وارد منوی مخفی بشه :

> *#546368#*520# 

4- روی SVC کلیک کنید و بعد روی Port Check Test بزنید و enable کنیدش.

5- گوشی رو به سیستم وصل کنید (در حالت روشن).

6- روی Write Firmware کلیک کنید، یه اخطار میده اوکی بزنید و منتظر بمونید تا عملیات شروع بشه.


نکته :

1- بعد از چند دقیقه گوشی ریستارت میشه و به دانلود مود میره و ادامه فلش انجام میشه

2- یه مشکلی که من باهاش مواجه بودم این بود که درایور های این گوشی رو نمیشناخت نمیدونم چرا . منم رفتم هرچی درایور LG داشتم از قسمت uninstall سیستم جست و جو کردم و همه رو پاک کردم و دوباره درایور رو نصب کردم که مشکلم حل شد.





>Welcome to Octoplus/Octopus Box LG Software version 2.5.6

Checking data...OK
Platform: LG Qualcomm
Selected port: COM10
Selected model: K520DY
Reading info...
Model ID: LG-K520DY
IMEI: 357952-07-XXXXXX-3
Android version: 6.0.1
Battery level: 87%
SW Version: K52010a
Mode: Normal
Firmware compiled date: Feb 08 2016
Firmware compiled time: 21:00:00
Firmware released date: Mar 24 2016
Firmware released time: 18:42:45
SW Version: MPSS.DPM.2.0.c11-00058-M8936FAAAANUZM-
IMEI: 357952-07-XXXXXX-3
IMEI B: 357952-07-XXXXXX-1
SPC: 000000
Opening "K520DY10b_00_0517-id3726.kdz"...OK
Firmware version: K52010s
Firmware model: LG-K520
Writing phone firmware without real necessity is at your own risk.

Downgrade may lead to phone damage!

Please, make sure the phone's battery is fully charged.
Disconnect all other devices from the computer (including phones, 
modems, etc.) and close all other running programs.
To avoid errors in the flashing process, use a clean PC (without any 
installed drivers for other Qualcomm-based devices).
You should not run any other programs or attach new devices to your 
computer during the flashing!
Verifying checkSums...OK
Switching to Download mode...OK
Initializing flash...OK
Setting options...OK
Reading partitions...OK
Formating USERDATA...OK
Writing 1/56 PrimaryGPT_0.bin...OK
Writing 2/56 sbl1_1024.bin...OK
Writing 3/56 tz_2048.bin...OK
Writing 4/56 hyp_3072.bin...OK
Writing 5/56 rpm_4096.bin...OK
Writing 6/56 aboot_5120.bin...OK
Writing 7/56 sbl1bak_12288.bin...OK
Writing 8/56 tzbak_13312.bin...OK
Writing 9/56 hypbak_14336.bin...OK
Writing 10/56 rpmbak_15360.bin...OK
Writing 11/56 abootbak_16384.bin...OK
Writing 12/56 persist_53248.bin...OK
Writing 13/56 laf_93184.bin...OK
Writing 14/56 boot_142336.bin...OK
Writing 15/56 recovery_191488.bin...OK
Writing 16/56 recoverybak_240640.bin...OK
Writing 17/56 sec_295936.bin...OK
Writing 19/56 factory_316416.bin...OK
Writing 20/56 modem_513024.bin...OK
Writing 21/56 cust_688128.bin...OK
Writing 22/56 system_892928.bin...OK
Writing 23/56 system_1156616.bin...OK
Writing 24/56 system_1160632.bin...OK
Writing 25/56 system_1421232.bin...OK
Writing 26/56 system_1680904.bin...OK
Writing 27/56 system_1684920.bin...OK
Writing 28/56 system_1945520.bin...OK
Writing 29/56 system_2205192.bin...OK
Writing 30/56 system_2209208.bin...OK
Writing 31/56 system_2469808.bin...OK
Writing 32/56 system_2729480.bin...OK
Writing 33/56 system_2733496.bin...OK
Writing 34/56 system_2994096.bin...OK
Writing 35/56 system_3253768.bin...OK
Writing 36/56 system_3257784.bin...OK
Writing 37/56 system_3518384.bin...OK
Writing 38/56 system_3780528.bin...OK
Writing 39/56 system_4042672.bin...OK
Writing 40/56 system_4304816.bin...OK
Writing 41/56 system_4566960.bin...OK
Writing 42/56 system_4829104.bin...OK
Writing 43/56 system_5091248.bin...OK
Writing 44/56 system_5353392.bin...OK
Writing 45/56 system_5615536.bin...OK
Writing 46/56 system_5877680.bin...OK
Writing 47/56 system_6139824.bin...OK
Writing 48/56 system_6397952.bin...OK
Writing 49/56 system_6660096.bin...OK
Writing 50/56 system_6922240.bin...OK
Writing 51/56 system_6925304.bin...OK
Writing 52/56 OP_7651328.bin...OK
Writing 53/56 OP_7913472.bin...OK
Writing 54/56 OP_8175616.bin...OK
Writing 55/56 OP_8178832.bin...OK
Writing 56/56 BackupGPT_30534656.bin...OK
Reading partitions...OK
Formating RCT...OK
Formating MPT...OK
Writing firmware done!
Performed by 2.5.6 Software version.



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