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انجمن توسعه دهندگان موبایل

مشکل فلش نشدن سری k lg


ارسال های توصیه شده

سلام دوستان دوستان حداقل 5 عددیا بیشتر k10اومده میزنم ارور پریلودر میده و الانم k8میزنم همین ارور رو میده چندین فایل هم تست کردم نشده..با اکتاپلاس...کسی راهی داره؟علت چیه؟


لینک ارسال
  • 3 هفته بعد...
  • 3 هفته بعد...

Writing phone firmware without real necessity is at your own risk.

Downgrade may lead to phone damage!

Please, make sure the phone's battery is fully charged.
Disconnect all other devices from the computer (including phones, 
modems, etc.) and close all other running programs.
To avoid errors in the flashing process, use a clean PC (without 
any installed drivers for other Qualcomm-based devices).
You should not run any other programs or attach new devices to 
your computer during the flashing!
Opening "K350Z10h_00_0124.oct"...OK
Setting options...OK
Reading partitions...OK
Formating USERDATA...OK
Formating ENCRYPT...OK
Writing preloader...Failed!
Performed by 2.8.5 Software version.
Checking data...OK
Platform: LG MTK
Selected port: COM37
Selected baudrate: 921600
Selected model: K350Z
Selected USB connection type
Please, disconnect cable, reconnect battery, connect P999 cable 
(with 910k resistor)
Reconnect battery, press and hold "Vol+" for 10 seconds and 
connect Micro USB cable.
Phone found at port COM126
Mode: Emergency
Initializing flash...OK
Model ID: LG-K350Z
SW version: LGK350ZAT-00-V13v-GLOBAL-COM-JAN-24-2018+0
LAF Version: 1.1
Product ID: 000000
Target operator: GLOBAL
Hardware: rev_10
Battery level: 50%
Reading partitions...OK
Checking security...
Checking security passed!

Writing phone firmware without real necessity is at your own risk.

Downgrade may lead to phone damage!

Please, make sure the phone's battery is fully charged.
Disconnect all other devices from the computer (including phones, 
modems, etc.) and close all other running programs.
To avoid errors in the flashing process, use a clean PC (without 
any installed drivers for other Qualcomm-based devices).
You should not run any other programs or attach new devices to 
your computer during the flashing!
Opening "K350Z10h_00_0124.oct"...OK
Setting options...OK
Reading partitions...OK
Formating USERDATA...OK
Formating ENCRYPT...OK
Writing preloader...Failed!
Performed by 2.8.5 Software version.



لینک ارسال

دادم همکار دیگه داره میزنه...علت چی اخه میخوام علت رو پیدا کنم درایور ها هم نصب چون تا رایت پریلودر میره .....ویندوز هم عوض شده چندین فایل هم گرفتم ....هم با یو اس بی هم با p999



لینک ارسال

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