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انجمن توسعه دهندگان موبایل

Fieldengineer providing freelancers for desktop support hardware and software


ارسال های توصیه شده

Freelancing won't be a Gen Y thing, but rather a full-time freelancing career is. It takes a great deal of boldness to choose on the off chance that one should make it a full-time online consultant or work as a side-work for easy revenue. Freelancing accompanies its essence of good and awful, however, when it's done well, it accompanies extraordinary advantages of flexibility, cash and genuine feelings of serenity. No manager, no guidelines, no fix timings, and work from anyplace.

What is Field Engineer
A Global Marketplace connecting Engineers and Businesses No matter where you are in the world, FE is connecting engineers and telecoms every day. Nowhere is too far away - and even remote jobs can be handled easily through our global platform.

Field Engineer is an online marketplace that connects companies with telecommunications work with the global field engineers who have the skills and availability to complete them. With more than 40,000 skilled field engineers in 170 countries, Field Engineer has already helped 45 service providers get jobs done.


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