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لاگ فلش نوکیا 6151 با کابل ipmart توسط دانگل best

علیرضا شاهرخی

ارسال های توصیه شده

درود دوستان این مدلو هر کار کردم با atf فلش نشد(لودر adl ارسال نمیشد)

نحوه اتصال ipmart:

رنگ قرمز روی پایه+

رنگ زرد روی پایه وسط

رنگ مشکی روی پایه -

مقاومت روی 7.5k

لاگ فلش(استارت از test mode)

>[font=IranSans]Card found: S/N : ? , v0122[/font]Registered to: shahrokhi

Connect phone on selected interface...

Phone found!
Series 40 Device detected!
read info...  - Ok

Reading Phone Info....
Connected phone -    Nokia 6151
Software ver : V 03.52 06-07-06 RM-200 (c) Nokia
IMEI    :      xxx43010194735
XappVer :      000008B6
DSP Ver :       pb05w46v30
PPM     :      V 03.52 06-07-06 RM-200 (c) Nokia C
CNT     :      Content: c V 03.52 06-07-06 RM-200 (c) Nokia
Product SN   :     CAI859250
Product code :     0534660
Base Prd.code:     0531925
Hardware info=======
HWID  : 1000
Retu  : 32
Tahvo : 52
Battery: 4258 mV
Lock info ===========
IMEI       : xx2743xxxx94735
IMEI spNet : 3A 25 47 03 01 91 74 03 
IMEI svNet : 33 25 47 03 01 91 74 03 F1 

Conf key     : 80xxxx002
Provider key : 2xxxxx00000000000
Country      : Finland
Operator     : NOKIA (Open)
Counters     : Key 0  [3] , Fbus 0  [10]
Blocks       : 7

BLK : 1
Lock1:Open Lock2:Open Lock3:Open Lock4:Open Lock5:Open
BLK : 2
Lock1:Open Lock2:Open Lock3:Open Lock4:Open Lock5:Open
BLK : 3
Lock1:Open Lock2:Open Lock3:Open Lock4:Open Lock5:Open
BLK : 4
Lock1:Open Lock2:Open Lock3:Open Lock4:Open Lock5:Open
BLK : 5
Lock1:Open Lock2:Open Lock3:Open Lock4:Open Lock5:Open
BLK : 6
Lock1:Open Lock2:Open Lock3:Open Lock4:Open Lock5:Open
BLK : 7
Lock1:Open Lock2:Open Lock3:Open Lock4:Open Lock5:Open
LOCKS :  All Open
Error collect lock info, try again
CRT308 Backup Created

SDD key status : Ok
CMLA Key status : Not Present
SimLock status : Ok
Security status : Ok
User Code : 12345
MMC pwd  : no any record found
UserDataExLevel : Full [PhoneBook, Calendar, PWD, SMS, Gallery] 


Core : v2.23 , BB5XG FlashEngine : v10.1

Selected FlashSettings : Manual
Check FlashFiles, Please, wait...

Files Set for Flashing :
MCU : rm20030003.560.mcusw
PPM : rm2003003.56.ppm_g
CNT : rm20030003.56.image_g
Flashing phone now...
[Gen] Rules accepted for : RAP3x Generation
Check files done...
->  Check SW version...
FlashFile version : 03.56
Phone version : 03.52 06-07-06 RM-200 (c) Nokia
->  Check SW version : Upgrade
Backup CRT308 data...
CRT308 Backup Created
Getting product info...
RAP_BOOT:     0803000002010000
RAP_PUBLIC:   2330020650BF005440B14C7BEAD1250754D06DA1
RAP_PAPUBKEY: 261C8D4E30412FC576EAF46275B6DC1B895A84ED
Checking CNT sector PN<>FL
PN CNT sector : 64 kb
Loader len: 225152, CHK: FFB8
ADL -> Sending loader...
Update Server code succesfully sent to phone!
TIME : Boot time : 00:00:04
Reopening the connection...
Waiting for response: 30
Waiting for response: 29
Waiting for response: 28
Waiting for response: 27
Waiting for response: 26
Waiting for response: 25
Waiting for response: 24
ADL Server confirm flashmode!
  ===Flashing [MCU]===
Erase : Processing rm20030003.560.mcusw
Found 9 areas to erase
Erasing area 0x00000000 - 0x000202BF, NOR, CMT
Result: 0000
Erasing area 0x00020300 - 0x000252FF, NOR, CMT
Result: 0000
Erasing area 0x00020000 - 0x0007FFFF, NOR, CMT
Result: 0000
Erasing area 0x00080000 - 0x000DFFFF, NOR, CMT
Result: 0000
Erasing area 0x00200000 - 0x0037FFFF, NOR, CMT
Result: 0000
Erasing area 0x00380000 - 0x011DDFFF, NOR, CMT
Result: 0000
Erasing area 0x011DE000 - 0x011DEFFF, NOR, CMT
Result: 0000
Erasing area 0x011DF000 - 0x011DFFFF, NOR, CMT
Result: 0000
Erasing area 0x00100000 - 0x001FFFFF, NOR, CMT
Result: 0000
TIME : Erase time : 00:01:40
Write : Processing rm20030003.560.mcusw
Total 958 [958/0/0] blocks to write, writing... 
CMT : Writing Hash CERT [NOLO]
CMT : Writing Hash CERT [KEYS]
CMT : Writing Hash CERT [PRIMAPP]
CMT : Writing Hash CERT [PASUBTOC]
CMT : Writing Hash CERT [uPDAPP]
CMT : Writing Hash CERT [DSP0]
CMT : Writing Hash CERT [MCUSW]
CMT : Writing Hash CERT [PMM_CONF]
CMT : Writing Hash CERT [sBIF_CONF]
TIME : Write time : 00:01:45
MCU Write done
  ===Flashing [PPM]===
Erase : Processing rm2003003.56.ppm_g
Found 1 areas to erase
Erasing area 0x011E0000 - 0x016DFFFF, NOR, CMT
Result: 0000
TIME : Erase time : 00:00:21
Write : Processing rm2003003.56.ppm_g
Total 179 [179/0/0] blocks to write, writing... 
TIME : Write time : 00:00:20
PPM Write done
  ===Flashing [CNT]===
Erase : Processing rm20030003.56.image_g
Found 2 areas to erase
Erasing area 0x04000000 - 0x05FEFFFF, NOR, CMT
Result: 0000
Erasing area 0x01D00000 - 0x01FDFFFF, NOR, CMT
Result: 0000
TIME : Erase time : 00:03:42
Write : Processing rm20030003.56.image_g
Total 220 [220/0/0] blocks to write, writing... 
TIME : Write time : 00:00:23
CNT Write done
ADL : End flashing

Flashing done!
Total flash time : 00:08:12
Reboot phone now...

Reading Phone Info....
Connected phone -   Nokia 6151
Software Info:     V 03.56 11-08-06 RM-200 (c) Nokia
IMEI:  352743010194735
PPM version :   V 03.56 11-08-06 RM-200 (c) Nokia G
Product code:  0534660
Wait, when phone will be ready ...
SimLock status : SimLock is Ok
Security status : Security is Ok
Read Info Done!
Check and Upload User Certificates ...
Total - 0 certs
Uploading User Certificates...
Uploaded 26 certs!
AfterFlash operations done ;D

Elapsed: 00:08:56

Connect phone on selected interface...

Phone found!
Series 40 Device detected!
read info...  - Ok

Phone disconected!

Connect phone on selected interface...

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